That lonely place
That haunted look
Where a world still exists
Yet after death
The ever welcoming creepy feeling
Of the innocent dead
Those Goosebumps rising
The air succumbed to sadness
Dirt engraved tombstones
Covering a life, a history yet another mystery
The dried flowers embracing the tombstones
Conveying the mourners despair
The skin and bone grave keeper
His long white beard
That moth eaten hat,
Sweeping leaves off the ground
In a motion
Immune towards the surrounding fate
The air perfumed with the smell of soil
From a freshly dug grave
As if, inviting its new guest
Innocently unaware of the broken hearts, that feeling of loss
A shadow vanishing behind the trees
The sole remaining traces of the long dead
Many fumble to go,
Hesitate to visit
Courtesy to the false rumors
But I see it as
Yet another life to be lived beyond mortality
Yet another experience
Yet another journey
Only to be explained
After embracing it!
did u recently visit a graveyard? i know u mentioned courtesy false rumours and all still itna perfect decribing :P
btw really good and you seems to get better day by day!
i completely agree with wat neha said...
did u pay a visit to any graveyard nearby?? khe khe khe... ;)
haf fun
Graveyards are the most peaceful and pleasant corners ... an hour spent there can ease of many nerves, silent the critic in you and make you realize how important it is to live the life until we reach there or burnt to ashes !
You have this ability to dig deep into the unexplored realms .. this is one reason, I have never missed any of your post!
Keep thinking Varsha, I can hear you ! :)
Hey...U write really fabulous poems yaar...I jus love them.... :)
Nice work again...!!
Also theres an award 4 u at my blog...chk out the details..
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